Question: Could you recommend some of the more respected VC and private equity publications (ie., industry-specific magazines, newsletters, journals)? Are there any trade media or trade associations who I should be aware of? I like to be well-informed.
Our Take: Let’s divide up into daily emails, paper publications and associations.
Daily emails: Dan Primack from Thompson sends out a daily email that is part People Magazine and part USA Today. You can find his site here and subscribe. The other daily email is from Venture Source. Send an email to to subscribe.
As far as paper publications, check out the Venture Capital Journal. It’s a good read and has good guest columnists. Dow Jones Venture Capital Analyst is also very good. Russ Garland writes a ton about the industry, is a good writer and gets his stories correct. I would say that the paper copies of both of these sources is superior to their online presence. (You get what you pay for).
When you look to trade associations, there is just one: NVCA – National Venture Capital Association. You have to be in the industry to get invited to events, but is a great forum