Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds?
A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
by Brad Feld
Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds? A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds?
A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
Ooh – this one is great. Larry Chiang has a post up on FoundRead titled 9 VCs You’re Gonna Want to Avoid. You’ll be laughing hard by the time he gets to #12 and the bonus round.
One of the questions that we get most often is “why are VCs such jerks?” or some sort of derivation thereof. Specifically, people complain about: – VCs not returning calls / being unresponsive – VCs not understanding how good of an investment my company is – VCs stringing along entrepreneurs when they know they aren’t […]
Today’s best post is from Fred Wilson and is titled Investing In Thick and Thin. Once again, Fred totally nails it. "Our approach is to manage a modest amount of capital (in our case less than $300 million across two active funds) and deploy it at roughly $40 million per year, year in and year […]
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